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Tennis Reservations

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  • Courts are open daily 7:00am - 8:00pm
  • Courts 1 - 6 closed Sunday 5:00pm - 6:30pm for maintenance
  • Courts 1 - 6 closed daily 1:00pm - 2:00pm for watering during the prime season
  • 1� hours of play per reservation
    Playing times are therefore: 7:00am, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30, 2:00pm, 3:30, 5:00, 6:30
  • A court may be reserved no more than two days prior to play
  • From May 1 to Labor Day courts may be reserved either by telephone or in person within two days prior to the day of play with the following exceptions:

  • Two days prior to day of play:

    • Reservations for the 7:00am - 8:30am time slot may be called in beginning at 7:30am.
    • Reservations for the 8:30am - 10:00am time slot may be called in beginning at 8:00am.
    • After 8:30am, court reservation for these time slots and all others may be made either by telephone or in person.

  • For play on the current day or one day after

    • all reservations for any time slots may be made by telephone or in person after 8:30am.

  • Call-in telephone number: 363-4752
  • No back-to-back reservations are permitted.
  • Please check-in prior to play to obtain your court assignment and to register any guests.
  • The member reserving should list the names of all those playing, if known.
  • See for the complete list of tennis rules.